Land Rover Repair: Disco 2001 Transmission Fluid Leak, work bench, fluid leak

I have a 2001 Discovery II with 85,000 miles. There is a small leak of transmission fluid near the radiator.  How serious is this problem, what needs to be done to fix it, and how much should it cost?  Thanks for any help you can give.  

Hi Jerry,

Sounds like the pipe connection has developed a leak.  You could purchase the pipe from your local LR dealer ($200) or you could try forming this pipe yourself.  You'd have to remove the pipe from the rad and tranny and then copy it on a work bench.  It's not easy if you don't have the right tools, especially the fitting at either end.  I've done this with the brake lines...and (as always) LR is always just a bit "different" than what I'm use to.

How serious is this?  Well, very when you consider the cost of replacing the tranny ($7000).  

The problems arise in removing the pipe and feeding it off and back on. It's never easy working under the Disco.

