Questionturns out the reason for no power was a crudy terminal took it apart and cleaned it and it worked just other thing though theres a loud clikcing noise coming form what i believe to be the power steering pump and i just had it replaced but i dont know if was new one or a rebuilt one. would the power steering pump make this noise? last question is there a quicky remedy for the coolant reseviour? a guy i work with told me i could put the cap on loosely until i got a new one.
p.s. if im not geting any power to the white-pink wires to the rear windows what should i do?
Followup To
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I got a 95 landy disco w/ 103k miles on it and a ton of PLEASE FIX MEs on her. first off the back windows dont roll down. i believe i have a back right front shock because it leans quite badly. also theres a crack in the coolant resiviour and leaks pretty badly my dad and i epoxyed and i drove it for half and hour and when i got home and turned it off it started just pouring coolant it. i was pretty sure that the epoxy wouldnt hold up to the 15 fps that builds up in that tank. my buddy that i work with said to loosen the cap on the tank and it wouldnt leak as bad but i havent tried it out because im getting no power. this started the other day i wasnt driving it becuase it would leak then coolant then over heat and my buddys car battery died so we tryed to jump it off and it didnt work so then we tryed my battery in there and still didnt work. in the midst of all of this when we jumped it off it blew a fuse in my buddys car so he had to replace it and i just now tryied my battery in my disco and nothing. so i imediatley thought maybe it drained my battery or something so i charged my battery and hooked it back up and still nothing. maybe i blew a fuse to during all of this. only thing that leads me away from that is that it was running when we tryied to jump it off and it didnt turn off as i thought it wouuld do if it had a blown fuse.
Sorry for the long list i would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out
Answer -
Huh it was a long stroy:)
First you have to change the reservoir, because it's not too expensive, but it can cause much problems!
If the engine was overheated, thats not a good sign if can't start.
The engine is rotating when you try to start?
If yes, You should check the compression in the cylinders to exclude the engine damage.
The two rear switch are energised by the White-pink coloured wires. Check the 12 volt supply at those switches' cables.
The 12 volts supply provided by the window lift control unit's 4th pin (white-pink).
If it is allright, than check the ground at the gray-green coloured cables. If there isn't ground than the rear window inhibitor switch faulty, or that's ground wrong.
AnswerThe only idea I've got for the reservoir, is try to find near at you a plastic welder expert. If you can't you should drag along at least 2-3 litres of water. The loosely cap is OK too, but be careful with the coolant sensor!
The power steering clicking noise is very out of the common. It doesn't use to give that noise. It that noise was since the overheating, it's a sign for the cylinder and piston damage.
If there is no power at ignition at the white-pink cables, then check the fuses 1,2(Satellite fuse box) and 15th in the fascia fuse box. If these things are good, then the Window list control unit doesn't provide the power to the white -pink wires, so that will be faulty.
If you send an email address I can send you more drawings.