Land Rover Repair: fluttering hi pitch noise, loud thump, universal joints
QuestionHi John, I have a 98 Disco series 1, it seems to make a hi pitched fluttering noise (cricket like)when pressing the gas pedal when I release the gas pedal the noise doesnt make the noise when idling or at low speeds or when crossing over speed bumps. it only appears to occr at speeds in excess of 50 mph. Could this be a catalytic converter going bad or a universal joint because I also heard one loud thump when shifting from park to drive. My chek emgine light is on but diagnostics say that it is the catalytic converter...I just recently had the shock replaced a few days ago.What could be wrong?????
AnswerI have no idea what would make a fluttery noise without hearing it.
Your universal joints in front can fail, explode, and ruin the transmission so it pays to check them.
I'm sorry but I can't really answer noise issues without actually hearing them. Look on to find a shop near you.