Land Rover Repair: shaking in my 2003 range rover, intelligent diagnosis, engine vibration

sorry, it is a shaking from front to back, as if someone were to pass you on the highway going fast and your car shakes, similar to that. P.S., do you have a hotline or something,i have a million questions to ask, I willing to pay if possible.

Followup To

Question -
I was on the highway yesterday and while in traffic, felt an unusual shaking from front to back.My truck has 60,000 miles on but I recently got a new tranny, spark plugs,and changed all oils, would you know what the problem might be?

Answer -
Your description of symptom is too vague for any intelligent diagnosis.

Is this an engine vibration?

It is shaking from the driveline?

Is it a front end problem?

If you are not able to pin this down a lot better I suggest seeking a qualified expert and having them drive your truck.  If you don't have a good local dealer look on for shop recommendations.

I can't really answer this question without seeing the vehicle or asking more quesions.  If you want to pay a technician for telephone support the cost is $89 per 1/2 hour call, and we have provision for that on our web site,

You can email us at [email protected] as well.