Land Rover Repair: brake noise, caliper pistons, slide pins

we have recently bought a 95 land rover disco 2 and this terrible squealing noise has developed on the right hand front wheel, occuring when you make a right hand turn it does however go away when you brake, we have put up with it for as long as possible but cant take it any more, apon inspection the pads look fairly new, have tried some stop squeak spray but it dosnt make any difference.
Their is a slight oil leak just behind the hub but i cant see how could contribute.
Any info is good info, many thanks Jaron.

Without seeing your truck I have no way to be sure if the noise is from the brakes.  If it is, Land Rover's recommended fix wold be new genuine pads and rotors.  And make sure the caliper pistons and slide pins move freely.

In my experience the aftermarket pads are more likely to produce squeal complaints than genuine Rover.