Land Rover Repair: Front seat drivers side support system, home mechanic, rovers north

The under gurding on my drivers side seat has split and I'm wondering if it's possible to fix it myself, or what would be a resonable price for someone to charge for repair?

I'd like to repair it myself and thought there might be some kind of instructions on self repair and where one could purchase the support gurding.

First - this sort of repair is usually done by trim shops.  I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "under gurding" but Land Rover does sell all the pieces of the seat and they can be replaced by a resourceful home mechanic.  However, trim shops often have less expensive answers when the cost of labor is factored in.

As to repair instructions - the procedures to take apart the seat are in the workshop manual which can be bought in print form from Rovers North - 802 879 0032 or downloaded online for a daily access fee at

As to a "reasonable price" - prices vary widely from place.