Land Rover Repair: Land Rover Disco 2, volumetric efficiency, injector pulse

-Hey, Thanks for your response - as far as I know all they did was a diagnostic to see if it was
throwing any codes/errors whatever and it wasn't. It doesn't choke but it revs high past 2k rpms
and doesn't really respond -go - it also just feels rough like a vibration and makes an overly loud
noise when i give it gas. Sorry - like i said it's not really something acute - just trying to get a
sense for what it might possibly be. thanks again. regards, brendan------------------------
Followup To
Question -
Hello, I just recently purchased a 2001 Disco 2 w/ 72K miles. It
drove great for a couple weeks and now seems to excelerate very
sluggishly it also revs high and seems excessively loud when I give
it gas. It's certified so I took it in to the LR dealership and they told
me there is nothing wrong w/ it. Sorry if my description of the
problem is vague  - it's nothing blatant it just does not drive at all
as smoothly as it did. Thanks alot for your time. regards, brendan
Answer -
sorry for the time it has taken me to get to you ill have to think about this one. dose it have any
problems when you hit the gas while its in park? dose it rev up fast or dose it choke? Did they
ckeck the transmission? dose it feel like its sliping? how dose it feel in higher RPMs?

No problem. it sounds like the dealer dosent know what there doing (big surprise)NOT i probably shouldent say that but anyway you need to take this to some one who knows how to do Enhanced scan Data Analysis. this is what i would do in this case and im sure the dealer did not.   this test includes Long & short term fuel trim, volumetric Efficiency,o2 sensors and IPW (Injector Pulse Width). most shops dont know how to do this, so good luck (in a Good way).if you find a shop that can do this tell them what i told you if they know they will understand what i said.