Land Rover Repair: starting problems, air fuel mixture, vacuum leaks
Questiondear john,i have a 1.8 freelander.which up to present date has not missed a beat,however recently its starting behavieris becoming a problem. as we speak it is sat on a local asda car park refusing to has been to a local garage after somewhat expensive spanner work new plugs ect ect its doing the same thing.the engine is turning over,it fires for the first time however if you touch the throttle to early it dies then that is it she wont start the engine just spins over as if she is flooded the car is serviced regular, please could you shead any light on this subject as most garages nowadays just want to baffle you with tecnical crap and charge you the same thanks dan
AnswerHi Dan,
a difficult starting engine can be caused by either ignition or fuel related problems.
Ignition problems can be spark plug, wire, coilpack, alternator, starter and even battery related. If the starter is turning then engine over, it leaves you with electrical faults. Is the coilpack working properly? Are any of the wires at fault? Are the plugs gapped properly.
Fuel related problems can be the fuel pump, filter, and injection system. Determine if you are getting fuel. Make sure air filter is clean and MAF sensor is functioning properly. Make sure there are no vacuum leaks with the air/fuel mixture.
Best of luck,