Land Rover Repair: SRS, srs system, testbook

Good day John,

1995 LR RR LWB Classic, 4.2L / Auto,  "25th Anniversary", SRS light problems. The alternator spiked a while back. Alternator was replaced and has been working just fine. Ever since it took a dump the SRS light has been on. Flashing at start up then followed by staying on in solid form. After reading all of your responses to SRS light problems I failed to see where there was any direction given for the reset function. My local LR repair person said he needs some special software to perform the reset. What do you know about the reset function for the SRS light. Thanks!

Jim ~

Hi Jim,

from what I understand, that's the normal sequence of events...after 10 years, the SRS system has to be inspected.  I don't know of any reset process for the SRS light... I believe its reset by the testbook found at most LR dealers.

Let me know how this turns out...I have a '95 and will eventually be seeing this too.

