Land Rover Repair: Brake Pressure Loss, emergency brake, hi john
QuestionHi John,
On my 50 mile drive home the other day I noticed my brakes becoming squishy--that is -- I had to press the pedal harder and harder to get my 1996 Discovery (110K miles) to stop. The condition deteriorated until I had no pressure (or very little) the pedal just went to the floor. I was able to baby it home using the emergency brake. I looked at the master cylinder and there is a small bit of fluid seepage along where the unit bolts on to what looks like a vacuum assist unit. What do you think is going on? If it is the master cylinder, how tough a repair is this? Is it simply replace the unit and bleed the brakes or because this model has ABS is more involved that would be better handled by my mechanic? Thanks for any advice you might provide.
AnswerHi Mark,
it sounds like your Master C has lost a seal somewhere. You can buy OEM, rebuilt or salvaged* (my choice) and do the repair yourself, if you've done brake work before.
Its no different with or without ABS when it comes to brake repair, IMO. There a bleeding technique that's best, longest lines first and in that order.
Send me an email and I'll send you what tech sheets I have on the subject. It should not affect your ABS modulator. Was your reservoir empty? Clearly you've got air in the line now.
If you can do this yourself, you'll save $1000 easy.
[email protected]