Land Rover Repair: distributor problems, lwb, business trip
Could really use your help. I'm currently located on the island Guam and have no access to a dealer. My local mechanic (very sharp guy) is trying to get my 95 LWB to start....I left it sitting for two weeks while on a business trip and when I returned it would not crnak. The starter is fine and we have established that it is getting gas and spark. The distributor rotor and cap has been replaced along with the plugs and wires; still nothing.... My mechanic thinks the distributor itself could be the problem...he has noted that he can freely spin the shaft. He wants to try to take it appart but would like a drawing or detailed steps for removal and possible rebuild. Do you have either? Is there anything else you can think of that may be causing my baby not to start? It was running fine when I parked it??? Thanks for the help
E Cage
in Guam
AnswerHi Ernest,
I think I can find something to help you out. Just send me an email and I'll forward what I have. I'll need make, model and year info.
It may be ignition timing that causing you this problem. Have you checked the timing?
[email protected]
NB: I've helped a few Disco owners in Guam. For such a small place, there seems to be lots of LR's.