Land Rover Repair: Rear bumper light, careless driver, pumping gas
QuestionI had a slight mishap and broke the left hand rear bumper tail light on my 1999 LR Disocvery II. The only thing that broke was the the plastic yellow and red cover. I have seen online the replacement covers but I would like to know how do I go about removing the broken one. Don't see any screws since its on the bumper. Any answers to this question would be appreciated.
AnswerHi Grace,
about 2 years ago, while pumping gas into my Disco, a careless driver backed into my Disco with his trailer and smashed the rear bumper light.
Rather than have insurance cover this and increase both our premiums (that's how it works here), I did the work myself and had the fellow pay the bill.
The bumper light is removed from inside the bumper. There should be screws that old the light in place. Carefully remove the lightbuld holders and move the wiring away from the workarea. Undo the screws and gently push the light casing outside the bumper enough so that from outside the bumper you can then pull the casing completely out.
Installation is the reversal of the above procedure.
I strongly suggest you purchase a pair of light casing bars. You'll have to drill holes into either side of the light casings but they will protect them from future damage. Your LR dealer has a kit and will even lend you the tool to install the rivet.
Best of luck,