Land Rover Repair: 98 disco electronics/brakes, brake light switch, abs brakes

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Question -
My 98 land rover lse's brake pedal goes all the way to the floor. if pumped and/or really stomped on it will stop but...u know.  i bled the system and all 4 check out fine, local mechanic says it acts as though the abs brakes are ON all the time. there are 2 mechanisms with buttons under dash that the brake pedal bar interacts with. ie when brake is pressed the button is released and brake lites come on, etc - well these have been taken loose from the bracket that holds them for inspection by person that should not have done it and now cannot be re installed properly - so not only do brakes not work properly but brake lites stay on all time and who knows what else is working or not working because the 2 buttons are unpressed at all times now. please help
Answer -
Hi Coag,

sounds more likely that your master cylinder has failed.  If you don't see a huge puddle of brake fluid on your garage floor and your brake pedal can be fully depressed, have the master C checked.  

Here's how to fix the switch you mention:

The brake switch is set automatically during fitment.
If the setting is disturbed, the switch can be reset by
depressing the brake pedal and pulling the plunger
out of the switch body, until it contacts the pedal.

1. Remove 3 fasteners and move drivers side
lower closing panel aside.
2. Disconnect multiplug from brake light switch.
3. Remove brake light switch from pedal bracket.

1. Engage switch fully into pedal bracket location
and connect multiplug.
2. Position lower closing panel and secure with

IF, after all this, your pedal is still reaching the floor,
have the master C inspected.

Best of luck,



Thanks for your advice. The switches have been re-set and re-fit according to your instructions and are working properly. The brake pedal going to the floor, however still remains a mystery. If the MC is bad, is it possible for the problem to be intermittent or would it act the same all the time?  I think that one of the rear calipers sticks closed against the brake rotor at times also. Could these 2 problems be linked to one place or is it just the beginning of a series of things to come??

Hi Coag,

I just read your comments.  The problem with your brakes are not unusual and may not arise again for another 6 years.  Don't give up just yet.  Your '98 model is well worth hanging onto.



Hi Coag,

a seized caliper or nearly seized caliper usually indicates a problem with the sliding pistons or the seals of that caliper.  You can remove the pistons, clean them carefully with a soft sandpaper, replace the seals, and clean out the chamber (usually has rust and gunk inside).
Use brake cleaner fluid to flush all impurities away.

Its also possible to have air and/or water in the system.  The brake fluid absorbs moisture and should be flushed and replaced every two years.  If you have air in the line or if the lines have corroded, its possible to have various results with your brakes.  

Looks like you have a few problems to deal with.

Best of luck,
