Land Rover Repair: major unrelated problems, power steering pump, head gasket
QuestionI have a series 2 discovery td5 auto LHD. I have had major problems with this car. I have had the 3 amigos problems which is currently in remission. The latest problems arose after I blew a head gasket and the car was taken to what I thought was an authorised dealer which subsequently proved not to be so. On collection the car had no power when cold and required some time to warm up before it can be moved. Even when warm and on full lock the a/c had to be switched off to move the car from stand still. The car was then taken to an authorised dealer in Bezier but even with the help of LR France in Paris the problems remain unresolved. In the meantime I have had to replace the power steering pump and yesterday the ace (orange) light comes on after a few seconds. Have you any ideas. This may have to be resolved by a court action but in the meantime I do not have a car I can use. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. My wifes' suggestion is to ask them to fit a new car to the ashtray! not very helpful
AnswerHi Adrian,
your wife my have a good idea...
Its a shame that such a fine vehicle is plaqued with so many small component failures. Your series II Disco is so dependent upon other components that if one breaks down its possible to cause others to fail too. Your ACE problem may be ACE pump starting to fail.
As for cold start and operation problems, it may be somewhere in the preheating system of your Td5. Timing can also cause these symptoms. I doubt very much that its your don't live in a cold climate like us here in Canada. Have your Bosch management system analyzed to determine the running problems.
I always get very nervous when the LR dealership states they don't know what the problem is...I immediately grab my wallet and hold tight.
Did you ever consider buying used parts for your Disco? You must have salvage yard over there...the price is a fraction of the OEM and after-market and the parts are usually in good condition. Imagine buying a used power steering pump for only 20$ euros. I bought one for 35$US and installed it myself.
Courage, mon ami...I know exactly what you are going through.