Followup To Hi John i did the testing on the pulse timing from the ecu while it was running on both sides and there is none on the passenger side so that tells me the chip is bad in the ecu, just my luck but the good part is the other is working but i guess i need to replace that and all those injectors i bought all are good so i have three sets now and they test out all good and so does the wiring. Now i need to find an ecu or just convert to carbs because i am tired of the Lucas breakdowns all the time. let me know what you find out or if you know a place that can fix this ecu?? that would be great.
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Followup To
Question - Hi John i have found the problem to my vehicle and i just want to know all the trouble shooting for it. it is the pulse timing on the passenger side to the injectors, there is no pulseing to them so they are not opening and putting fuel to the engine. Any ideas of how to fix this problem? I did all the ground test to ecm and test out ok. could it be the wiring on that side? I am getting frustrated on this any help would be great.
Thank you: George
Followup To Hi John i got 95 disco v8i. i finaly got the timing correct on it and it runs fine but i have a problem yet??? This is my problem cylinders 1,3,5,7 are fireing fine but cylinders 2,4,6,8 are not fireing at all but keep in mind i got superb compression 170 psi and great spark??? so if i take off the a bank spark plug wires it still runs but only the driverside is running and if i put the a bank back on it does not make a difference at all and i can not hear the injectors pulseing. help??? what is the problem on the passenger side and i know the timing is correct. The injectors are brand new factory. Is it electrial problems lol, just my luck. and i do have a code 45 wich is a missfire on that side and i think it is electrical can you help me on this and i did a test on the injector wiring and they read as follows .88 volts when both wires are tested together and when i tested the hot wire and grounded the other wirie to the engine i got a reading of 13.78 volts and all reading are the same all the way around on all eight cylinders, do you think it is the ecm?? or am i loseing it or can it be the injectors? any help would be great. thank you. Hi John. My question is this. i have a 1995 discovery and the idle is not right. i have replaced the injectors,idle control valve,air flow meter, trotle potention meter,fuel pressure regulator, basicaly the whole fuel system and spark system are new. i allso had it on the computer and the code idle stepper motor keeps comeing on, it allso has new o2 sensors allso and they are reading -10 and -11 so that means is is running lean for some reason? the fuel pressure to the rail is good and the injectors are running at 22lb rate. what happens is it has a ruff idle and wants to stop running and then the idle stepper light comes on. but when you are driveing it is ok. My dealer and i have no idea what it can be? do you think it might me the timeing on this vehicle. it is driveing me nuts heheh. any help would be great on this matter. thank you so much.
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Hi George,
all that work and the idle is off? Could be timing belt. Have you advanced the distributor? Did you replace the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)?
Try the distributor first then move on to either the TPS or timing belt (expensive). With all those new parts, did the LR dealer reprogram/reset your ECU? Several years ago, I had similar work performed. Long story short, the dealer replaced the TPS and then 'reprogrammed' the ECU. It ran like a charm afterwards.
Best of luck,
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Hi George,
so you have good compression, sparks are good (you've tested each wire I assume) and you hear the injectors pulsing...but is there any fuel being passed?
Compression, spark and fuel. If an entire bank is not working you have to look at either the distributor, wires, plugs or fuel. I think your injectors on one side are not allowing fuel. IF the ECU is screwed up, it could hold off the fuel based on the results of its sensors.
You should really drag this Disco into a dealer and have them testbook this problem. They'll be able to track the problem down quicker than you or I.
I hope its only a sensor problem and not your ECU.
Best of luck,
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Hi George,
that's too bad about the one side not firing. I'll ask around for some help on this one. I hope its not the ECU and just a regulator that faulty. Give me a day to find out.
Hi George,
sorry to read that its your ECU. Usually, the ECU is not a serviceable item. However, it does not have to be an expensive replacement item either. Go to the following website and do a search on computer box engine and your '95 Disco. The next prompt will be for the ECU on your Disco. I found several at just $100...that's a $3000 savings!
Don't be discouraged about your've learned a great deal and you have spares you can either sell on ebay or keep for backup.
I am in the same boat as you. My '95 has over 333,000 kms and I've got loads of spare items that I thought were problems but were not. Some I trade away, some I keep for backup.
Best of luck,