QuestionLand Rover Discovery 1997 v8 gas model
I seem to have an intermitent starting problem
some times I turn the key and the starter turns slowly like the battery is low . After a coulple of tries it starts fine . some times it starts first time . Battery is good 12.5 v even when the problem exists
any Ideas
thank you
AnswerHi Larry,
normally, when the engine has difficulty turning over, it can be either the battery or the starter. Even if the battery has to see if it drains down.
Check to make sure the battery cables are clean, the ground wire is firmly attached and the wires are attached to the starter.
More than likely, its the beginning of the end to your starter. The solenoid, which is built within the starter, is usually the culprit. I've seen AC Delco starters #323-1530 for about $205 US. You could by OEM but they run about $500. Look around for Bosch #SR0801X for about the same price as the AC Delco.
Then there is always the salvage yards: and they run for under $100.
Best of luck,