QuestionHello John,
i was wondering if you about removal/repair of a 1993 County Range Rover 3.9 w/ auto trans. there are some wires on top of the transmission that go to the shifter? not to sure how to drop the tranny from the shifter? any advice, help or referral to sources greatly appreciated. i tried no luck yet. if you get a chance, a call would be miraculous. i'm at 415 308-1502 cell. i'm in the mdddle of this project with my friend who thought he knew about this part.
AnswerHi John,
would that be a ZF automatic with Borg Warner gearbox? Here is what I have (my comments are within brackets) :)
WARNING: When using transmissions jack, follow equipment manufacturers instructions to ensure safe and effective use of equipment.
Under Bonnet (hood - its British you know!)
1. Place vehicle on ramp [hoist]. Check road wheels.
2. Disconnect battery negative lead.
3. Remove fan blade assembly. Note assembly has left hand thread.
4. Remove air intake hose from plenum chamber (V8i only).
5. Disconnect kickdown cable from throttle leakage.
6. Release gearbox breather pipes from the rear of the engine.
7. Remove gearbox dip stick.
Inside Vehicle
8. Select low range, unscrew and remove transfer gearbox knob.
9. Remove cigar lighter.
10. Remove surround from gear selector panel.
11. Prise out wood veneer panel from centre console, and disconnect multiplugs from switches.
12. Remove the five fixings securing the centre console to the floor, and two clips at the front.
13. Disconnect multiplugs from window lift switch panel.
14. Disconnect multiplug to selector graphics panel and remove inset panel.
15. Disconnect electrical leads to cigar lighter.
16. Remove sound deadening trim from top of gearbox tunnel.
17. Remove retaining plate from transfer gearbox lever.
Under Vehicle
18. Raise ramp [hoist].
19. Drain oil from main and transfer gearbox. Refit plugs.
20. Disconnect multiplugs to oxygen sensors and remove front exhaust sections. (V8i only)
21. Remove chassis cross member secured by eight nuts and bolts. (V8i only)
22. Release two clamps securing gearbox oil cooler pipes.
23. Place a suitable container below gearbox, disconnect oil cooler return pipes from gearbox. Plug open ends of pipe.
24. Remove dipstick tube from gearbox sump.
25. Mark propeller shaft and transfer gearbox flanges for reassembly. Disconnect propeller shafts at output flanges. Tie shafts to one side.
26. Disconnect multiplug from speed transducer.
27. Disconnect main gearbox selector cable and rod from left side of gearbox. Lay cable aside.
28. Disconnect inhibitor switch.
29. Remove transmission brake drum, remove four bolts securing back plate to transfer box and tie assembly aside complete with handbrake.
30. Remove two bolts and remove cover plate from bottom of gearbox bell housing.
31. Rotate engine using crankshaft pulley until the access holes in the drive plate are visible.
32. Remove the bolts securing drive plate to torque converter. Mark one access hole and one bolt with an identification line for accurate reassembly.
33. Rotate crankshaft to remove all bolts.
34. Position transmission jack on rear output housing to support weight of transmission assembly.
35. Remove bolts and withdraw transfer gearbox and main gearbox mountings.
36. Remove bolts securing the chassis cross member, and using a suitable method of spreading the chassis remove the chassis cross member. (Tdi only)
37. Fit adaptor plate (See service tools) to transmission hoist, raise and position hoist under transfer gearbox mounting points.
38. Secure adaptor plate to gearbox using gearbox mounting bolts.
39. Remove transmission jack from transmission assembly.
40. Remove front exhaust pipe. (Tdi only)
41. Carefully lower transmission until top of transfer gearbox clears rear passenger footwell.
42. Position transmission jack under engine to support weight while bell housing bolts are removed.
43. Remove bell housing bolts, note that one bolt secures gearbox dip stick tube.
44. Withdraw transmission assembly from engine, ensuring torque converter is removed with gearbox.
45. Refitting gearbox is reverse of removal instructions, noting following points.
46. Coat drive plate to torque converter bolts with Loctite 270.
47. Tighten all bolts to specified torque. See Specifications, torque, Torque Values
48. Fit new exhaust gaskets to torque.
49. Refill gearbox with correct grade and quantity of oil See LUBRICANTS, FLUIDS AND CAPACITIES, Information,r ecommended fluid and lubricants
Coupling shaft to mainshaft 42*Nm
Filler tube to sump 68 Nm
Gear change lever to gearbox 25Nm
Cooler pipe adaptor to gearbox 42 Nm
Securing screws - clutch F 10Nm
Securing screw - parking pawl 10 Nm
Securing screws - pump 10Nm
Intermediate plate plugs (M20) 50Nm
Intermediate plate plugs (M14) 40 Nm
Bell housing mounting bolts 46Nm
Governor mounting screws 10 Nm
Extension housing bolts 23 Nm
Control unit mounting bolts 8Nm
Sump plug 10Nm
Mounting screws for sump 8Nm
Drive plate to converter 39*Nm
Gearbox to engine 42Nm
Strut (threaded end) 42Nm
Bottom cover to converter housing 9 Nm
Cover - converter housing 9Nm
Drive plates to crankshaft adaptor 40*Nm
Adaptor to crankshaft 84 Nm
NOTE: * These bolts must have threads coated with Loctite 270 prior to assembly. (very important)
Axial end float 0.2 to 0.4 mm.
From torque converter boss to torque converter housing face 50 mm
Freewheel cage assembly to ring gear; minimum clearance 0.1 mm
Output shaft above cylinder F assembly; dimension 10.00 mm
A cylinder protrusion above gearbox front face not more than 8.5 mm
John, send me an email if the above is not what you are looking for.
[email protected]
I'll be out for the day but should be back by 6:00pm Saturday evening.
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Let me know if you need more info,