Followup To
Question - Hi agian John, I still can not get this thing to run correctly i did what you said and it is still the same but after it starts up it is fine and will run all day but if i shut it off for like an hour,it is hard statring untill it is started, this is very puzzling if you ask me everything is new on the motor now, gessh what can it be? plain and simple it is just hard to start but when it is strted it is fine?.
Followup To
Question - Hi John, I have one more question, the tps did the job but it has a hard time starting sometimes, it seems to want to load up with fuel but after it is started there is no problem. shutting it off and then restarting it starts right up? i changed the coil and it made no difference, do you have any idea of what this can be? there are no iddiot lights on or any fault codes on ? ( i changed the plugs,new distributor,new rotor,plug wires, and so much more and the compression is fine to, what can it be.( the injectors seem fine and there are no faults on on them. (strange if you ask me)
Followup To Thank you for the info and i checked all tose options and everything there seems to be fine and now it is giveing me these codes number 17 throttle potention meter and code 36 bank b on the injectors and what side would be bank b be , thanks for everything. George
Question -
Hi John i was wondering if you could help me out here on a problem. my problem is that when the rover starts hard sometimes and does not run right when on acceleration it seems like there is not getting enough gas to the engine on it, well i had the test done on the fuel pump and it tested fine and the fuel pressure was ok upfront on the motor, it has new injectors on it,new air flow meter,new fuel filter and still likes to cut out when going down the road like it is not getting enough fuel or something is makeing it build up?. i was told that it could be a cat problem?? what do you think on this. and it does not do it all the time though, sometimes it just runs fine with no problems. weird if you ask me,i can not figure it out and i work on them allot. LR's for you, lol Thanks George.
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Hi George,
have you checked the spark? Perhaps its the spark amplifier module that is faulty. Then test the coil. Sounds like an ignition related problem.
If it was the cat.conv. (ie. plugged ) the sound of the engine would give it away.
You can also perform a compression test of the cyclinders.
Best of luck,
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Follow up %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Hi George,
It may be the TPS that is causing you so much grief. The dealer had swapped out close to $3000 in parts and labour when they stumbled (really a fluke) onto the possibility that it could be the throttle position sensor. $500 later the problem (strange behaviour in idle, loss of power, over revving...) was solved. Of all the work you've this should not cost you that much.
Best of luck,
NB: Bank B is left side.
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Hi George,
If my memory serves me correctly, and this is going back 5 years or so, the dealer changed the TPS on my '95 Disco and stated that they had to reprogram the ECU to adjust to the setup.
I would suggest that you have your LR dealer reprogram the ECU. At the same time, LR can determine if you are having an ECU problem. After all you've done, this is a possibility if your problem is still present.
I am not sure of the exact process to reprogram the ECU. I've heard rumblings that it involves disconnecting the battery negative cable for 20 minutes, reconnect the cable then quickly turn on/off the engine 3 times. Someone else said that there is a limit to how many times the ECU can be reprogrammed, so be careful.
(You might want to sacrifice a lamb or goat to ODIN or THOR - son of Odin, during the 20 minute wait!)
Best of luck,
Hi George,
difficult starting is a change - that's for sure.
Most difficulties lie within the ignition system: could it be that the timing is off? Check to make sure battery, alt and coil are working 100%. Is fuel present? Check your spark plugs to see their condition. Wet? They'd be black. You'd have to check them soon after the first attempts to start.
It could also be fuel throttle adjustment that is needed. I think after all you've done, its time to drag the Disco into the LR shop and have the experts hook it to the diagnostic logbook. They should be able to isolate the problem quickly and do the fine tuning to get it back on the road.
It seems you are on the right track to solving this, its just that at this point Land Rover should step in and clean it up. The cost should be minimal, I would think. Just labour (unless a repaired/replaced component has failed a 2nd time).
Best of luck,