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Question -
I have a Land Rover Disco II 1999.
It runs great but when I start it in the morning (cold morning), it fires up great, but it has no power to the wheels. There is a crank sound when I put the gas peddal to the floor but nothing happens. It takes about 2-4 minutes for the power to kick into the wheels, mean while it is just on very slow.
Our dealer doesn't have a clue, neither do I.
Answer -
Hei Gunnar!
Here is what I know about lack of power problems:
timing chain need adjustment
fuel line or filter needs replacement
fuel line pressure low or fuel pump faulty
fuel injectors need cleaning or replacement
ignition timing needs adjustment
cylinder pressure uneven or low
spark plug replacement
spark amplifier module fault
vacuum leak
wax in fuel (diesel models)
brakes binding
clutch slipping
Are you in Iceland? I wonder how many LR dealerships you would have over there. I find it strange that a LR mechanic cannot isolate this problem for you.
Have your dealer check your exhaust valves, just in case.
Best of luck,
(Godt hell med dette problemet)
Hi JohnMc,
It was the air in take sensor!
AnswerHei Gunnar,
its hard to believe that the air intake sensor had that impact on your engine. Its so rare to hear this component failing. I hope it did not cost you much.
Thank you for the followup and I will keep this problem in mind for the next owner who complains of power problems.