Question-Thanks John, my rr runs in normal temp. one thing I noticed is that the abs light stays on longer than the other lights when i turn the RR up, then it goes away, Could it be the actual brakes?
I ask because it only happens when I am in a full stop, then i feel the vibration comming from the driver front side of the engine, for about 10 seconds then it stops, At first I thought it was also the cooling system, but I kept reading all the questions and answers you posted. Im real Dumb with mechanics, so I have a hard time scoping out what is what, but I will check and pin point the problem and I will email you back.
Thanks, John you are the man, Sorry for the long email...------------------------
Followup To
Question -
John, I have a 98 RR SE 4.0
There are times where i am on a stop and a vibrating/slight noise occurs in the engin, then i Hear a click, then it stops, then it repeats almost every 5 minutes,
what can it be?? To me it seems like the heat/cooling system?
Answer -
Hi Kelvin,
it could be the intercooler fans. You'll have to warm up the engine to normal temperatures then pullover, open the hood and listen to the engine to locate the noise. The fact that the noise is repeating every 5 minutes indicates a either a timer or heat sensor is being triggered. It could be a thermostat? How high is the running temperatures on your Rangie? Do you notice higher temps than normal?
You'll have to isolate where the noise/click is coming from in order to speculate what is happening. I remember having a clicking sound coming from my power steering pump. At first I thought it was the intercooler fans but when I opened the hood and listened carefully, I found the power steering pump was behaving strangely. Sure enough, a couple of days later the pump ceased. Seems a bearing failed and caused all sorts of problems.
Best of luck,
Answer############### Follow up ##############
Hi Kelvin,
it could be the ABS pump that is causing the problems and perhaps that's why the ABS light is remaining on. The brakes are crucial to the HDC and TC components too. You'll have to try and isolate the noise to determine where the problem lies.
You could take your Rangie to a LR dealer and they'll find problems (hopefully the right ones), however, you'll have to request full disclosure BEFORE they proceed to repair them.
I've been in a position where my dealer performed repairs, all but the actual problem I originally came in for. You don't want that to happen.
Let me know if you think you've found the problem and I'll do what I can to help out.