Land Rover Repair: overcharging alternator, regulator problem, beam light

First of all I don't have a land rover I have a landcruiser, made by Toyota.  Its a 1984 Landcruiser with over 400,000 km, its a 4 cyl diesel (BJ-60) station wagon.  The problem I am having is it is the alternator is overcharging.  I have checked all the wires and connections, put two new batteries in it, replaced the voltage regulator, checked the brushes, checked the batteries even though they were new but the darn thing is still overcharging. Put the meter on the batteries (there are two batteries but still a 12 v. system)  both read 13.5 v with the engine off.  The reading off the alternator when engine is off is 12.5 v to 13.5.  When engine is turned on the meter reads 12-13 v. for about a minute and then starts to increase (when meter is at either battery of checked off the alternator)  The reading goes as high as 19 v. at high rev's.  As I have changed the voltage regulator it shouldn't be that.  Could it be the alternator causing the probem.  Maybe alternator has destroyed the new voltage regulator as I have been driving it like this for a while.  Yesterday both high beam lites and one low beam light burned out on the same trip.  Help.


Hi Rick,

that sounds like a regulator problem.  I had two volt.reg's fail on my old Disco.  I swore the new one was working...I was wrong.

Too bad you don't have a spare alt to swap in to see if there are other possible causes.

Can you isolate the two batteries?  Have the alt work for just one battery to see what happens then switch to the other.  Might help in detecting the cause.  

Best of luck,
