Land Rover Repair: Discovery Wheel Speed Sensor, vehicle speed sensor, discovery wheel
QuestionI own a 1999 Disco Series II and was wondering if there was any hidden problems in replacing the wheel speed sensor, as far as needing the computer needing to be reprogramed after its replacement. Also, are any special tools needed? Thanks!
AnswerHi Paul,
goto for some very nice technical instructions on the vehicle speed sensor. I'm sure this site will help you, if not, write me again and I'll find you more information.
I thought the ECU does not need to be programed for a new VSS. No real specialty tools and should not take you too long - less than an hour. Try discoweb and see what they have to say about that. They are usually very detailed in the replacement of parts and spell out all the tools you need and sequences of removal.
Write me back if you have any more questions,