Land Rover Repair: Driving Lights, land rover discovery, diy repairs

Those lights are no problem.  The lights that I am refering to are located in the bummper.  Is there any way that the bulbs can be changed in them?

Followup To
Question -
I have a 1996 Land Rover Discovery and have no idea how to change the driving light bulbs.  My Husband is at his wits end trying to figure it out.  Can you help?
Also do you know how to install the fog lights?
Answer -
Hi Kim,

here is a website with instructions about headlights and foglight installations.

I know the foglight instructions have photos but not too sure about headlight replacement.  

Do you have an owners manual.  Even if you do, you should try to find a Haynes repair manual for your Disco (#3016).  It can usually be ordered from most reputable auto parts stores or you can order it direct from Haynes on line.  They have excellent instructions and good photos for most DIY repairs.

Fog lights are tricky install but headlamp replacement is must easier:

You'll have to replace it via the engine compartment.

There is a light unit retaining clip on top corners; push pointed end over and clip can rotate off.

If your Disco has self adjusting headlight feature, you'll have to disconnect the leveling rod balljoint.  

Haynes suggests that easier access is made if you remove the turn signal lamp just beside the headlamp.

Installation is reversal of above.

Best of luck,


Hi Kim,

the bumper lightbulbs are easier to change.  You have to reach in BEHIND the bumper. The bulbholder is turned and the entire bulbholder unit is removed.  Just follow the wires.  While you have it out, check the wiring and the unit for any corrosion.  This is a common problem for electrics exposed to rear of the vehicle.  Lots of damp dirt/salt can get blasted into this area and eventually it shorts out the wiring.  

Best of luck,
