QuestionCustomer has 1999 Ranger Rover 4.0 and EMS FAILED warning shows. Auto has settled to lowest postition and all height indicator lights are on. VERY rough ride. How do we fix it?
AnswerHi Marvin,
I'm a LR Discovery owner...but I took a look around and found some steps you can take.
Take a look at the wiring around the alternator. A Rangie owner told me that if there are any loose wires/contacts, that this could cause the system not to activate the suspension compressor. Something to do with a 'rev' counter that signals the EMS to enable. It is not the first time that LR has linked key components to the alternator. My tachometer fails when the alt fails.
Another owner stated that his system failed due to an air compressor failure. He was too proud to tell me how much it cost him. (Ouch)
One owner suggested that it could be a solenoid failure or that there is a major air loss somewhere. He also suggested that an ECU problem could exist or a faulty sensor is causing the system to shutdown.
You can disable the system by unpluging the air suspension delay timer, a small black box that looks like a large relay under the drivers seat and then re-insert and see if this resets the system.
Also make sure the tailgate is not open. Sounds weird but an open tailgate can freeze the system, so make sure the tailgate switch is not faulty.
Other than that, you'll have to contact the nearest LR dealer. Rangies are complicated beasts.
Best of luck,