Land Rover Repair: Freelander Brakes, brake pads and rotors, dana corp

Unfortunately the original pads and rotors died at 22,000 mile and the second set of pads and rotors has died at 33,000 miles.  I think this is  right and Land Rover says it's normal and does not warrant them.  Do you think the pistons may have something to do with this problem.  Thanks! -------------------------
Followup To
Question -
I am looking for aftermarket brake pads and rotors for my 2002 Freelander S.  The pads and rotors have wornout at 22,000 and 33,000 miles and I would like to find something better than stock.  Do you know of any quality pads and rotors?
Answer -
Hi Michael,

33,000 miles is not too bad for brake pads.  Most pads are warrantied to about 1 year.  
I suggest Raybestos pads.  They are well made and the right price: Semi-metallic Raybestos PGD926M $80

Advance Auto has WearEver brand pads that are warrantied for lifetime (is there a catch?).  See

New rotors? you think its unusual for your rotors to be worn out?  You might want to clean up your calipers and make sure they are working properly.  Pop out the pistons and clean up the chambers with brake fluid and a fine piece of sandpaper.  LR has caliper rebuild kits that can save you some money.

Again, any Dana corporation rotor is good for your LR.  That's what I use on my Disco.  Raybestos is a Dana corp. company.

Beck Arnley is another brand that you can consider.

Best of luck,


Hi Michael,

just so that I have this straight, your original brake pads AND rotors were all replaced at 22,000 miles.  At the 33,000 milestone mark, a mere 11,000 miles later, you have to replace them again?  OUCH!  And LR says "oops, sorry...we don't warranty brake pads and rotors"?  That's cold.   I'd be very upset about that.  

Its difficult to measure how long brake pads should last as there are so many variables, however, I would venture a guess at about 2 years worth of driving.  If you listen to brake pad manufacturers, they'll throw out a number like 30,000 miles.  Rotors should last about 4 or 5 years.  Again, the manufacturers will say numbers much higher.  

In your case, clearly the pads and rotors on the 2nd install are being replaced prematurely.  Unfortunately, LR has an iron-clad warranty contract that is in their best interest and not yours.  Brakes and pads are not mentioned because of the 'too many variables' in judging normal wear.  

Now, if LR was able to look beyond the warranty, I'm sure they know that 11,000 mile life expectancy on your pads AND rotors is a sign that the brakes are ceasing.  Of course, they'll argue "No, the driver is riding the brakes!" or "The driving conditions warrant the premature wear".  Only you know how you use your brakes.

Its a shame that LR is shooting themselves in the foot with loyal customers like you and I.  I've been in a similar situation and I have yet to see LR "do the right thing".  Eventually, this will catch up to them - in lack of sales.

Now that I fully understand your plight, I have to think that you might have a master cylinder problem.  With ALL four brakes being affected, this is my conclusion.  Perhaps the problem is air in the main line?  Bleed all four'll have to anyway since you are replacing your pads and rotors. Replace ALL the brake fluid too.  

When you have your calipers off, examine the pistons to see if there is any rust around them.  I'd liberally use brake cleaner on each caliper and ensure that the pistons move freely.  LR has caliper rebuild kits that you can purchase. Much better than new calipers (ouch $$$). With the kits you can pop out the pistons and clean inside the caliper fluid chamber.  It will also expose the pistons and give you the chance to see any additional rusting.  Brake fluid absorbs moisture and this is how those parts can rust.  Remember, always use new brake fluid and avoid fluid that has a broken bottle seal.

I use Raybestos brake parts on my Disco.  My original rear rotors lasted 7 years until I changed them.  My front rotors needed replacement after 8 years.  I think this is so because I change my pads every 2 years, regardless of mileage!  It is less expensive to replace pads than it is for the rotors.  I also purchase semi-metallic only.  Kevlar and others (ceramic?) can only wear down the rotors faster.  Semi-metallics are also softer and kinder to the rotors.

Beck Arnley have rotors, pads along with other LR parts (alternators,   Wearever is another brand I am aware of.  Bendix is also a good product.

I wish you well in this.  Too bad LR is behaving so badly for you.  I wish it was otherwise.  My after-warranty experience with LR dealers has not been ideal.  I have a better relationship with the parts counter than the service department.  'nuff said.

