QuestionI have a '95 Discovery and over the past few weeks, the two front
doors and the cargo door can't be unlocked with the remote.
They lock fine, and the push lock buttons pop up when I press
the remote to unlock, but those 3 doors can't be opened.
I'm told it's the actuators, but it would cost over $1000 to
replace them all. Is there any adjustment I could do?
AnswerHi Brian,
so the problem is the handles are not working? If your lock btns are up and then you attempt to open door but it does nothing...I've seen this on my '95.
Here is what I have done. I spray liquid wrench (a concentrated lubricant) into the door latch/lock area. Over time, a lot of gunk and grime gets drawn into this area and my guess is that the lock just gets stuck.
The door handle is actually really cheap in design and construction. Its a long narrow piece of plastic that, again with age, seems to become soft. I took apart the doors and found that mine were actually bent!
As for the rear door...this is a problem that requires a new latch and lock. I have given up on trying to adjust this. I can open the door from the interior and that's about it. As for using a key ...forget it. The design of the Disco has fine particles of dust being forced into the lock and eventually it becomes ceased. The handle also suffers from this same design flaw. LR should have put a cover on the lock key hole and designed a better handle that keeps out the dirt. Just look at the gunk below your spare tire...that crap gets into your locks too!
If you get your door panels off, you may be able to adjust come of the locks to work. I have bent some of the pull wires so that they don't become disconnected. It worked for me. Just be careful and bend carefully. Some have adjustment capabilities as well.
Be careful removing the door panel. The plastic pins are solid by will eventually wear down. Use an upholstery tool found at your local auto parts store. This can pry off the panel without any damage.
Best of luck,