Land Rover Repair: Engine Running rough, mark staples, leaky injector

1996 Disco, runs rough when cold, feels like fuel is cut off breifly until warm and then it occasionally does the same thing.  Plugs and wires replaced as well as fuel filter.  Chevy dealer only thing close and they say it is a hard thing to tell whats wrong because of the car idles good and runs better when warm.  he said the Diagnostics wont help much and that if it was a chevrolet he would advise me to drive until it stopped and then he could tell what was wrong, it has got 152,000 miles and has been well maintained and trouble free for the last 70-80,000 miles.  Any Ideas what could be cutting my fuel off intermittently while it is cold then getting better?  Thanks for the answer.

mark staples

Hi Mark,

First question, Have you replaced the timing chain and gears?  That is some high mileage and it will fail and really ruin your day. It will bend just about all the valves depending upon how lucky you are.

Now your problem sound like a fuel pump bleeding back or a leaky injector draining all of the fuel when it sits. Check the fuel pressure in the AM and verify the lack of pressure.

Let me know,

Thanx, Dave