Land Rover Repair: Front Axel Swivel Joints, synthetic grease, swivel joints
QuestionI have a '96 LR Discovery. The dealer replaced the oil in the swivel housings with synthetic grease (I believe) at about 30K miles. The vehicle now has about 140K miles. The dealer said no further maintenance of the swivels was required. I question that advice. Should I renew the lubricant in the swivels and if so, how should it be accomplished. I plan to do the work myself and have compressed air available if that is needed to expell the old lubricant.
AnswerHi Lane,
I understand. It's hard to believe that that grease can last a lifetime. I too had the grease applied and was told not to worry about it again.
I have never heard of someone replacing that gunk...I guess using compressed air may help but it sounds kind of messy. I guess you could drive your Disco around the block a few tims and heat up the grease. May thin out with the heat and drain better. Blasting compressed air will help afterwards but I'm just not certain what else it could do.
Of course, removing the swivels and cleaning them out by hand would be the ideal method.
Best of luck,