Land Rover Repair: Rear Windows, rear windows, rainy season

Both of the rear windows on my 1999 Discovery I have stopped working. I have checked the fuse and it is good. Any suggestions?

Hello Lynn,

****************** Follow up ******************

A Disco owner told me last night that sometimes the console switch in the front can cause this problem.  You would have to remove the switch and clean the contacts.

Hope this helps.


I have some bad news...most LR Disco's encounter the same problem.  I have a '95 Disco and this happens randomly with me.  It is not unusual to hear other LR owners complain about their window failures.

There is a central module that controls the window operation.  This has known to fail and is expensive to replace.  

You'll have to take your Disco to a dealer and have them determine if it is the ECU power window module or if there is a short somewhere in the system.

The last thing you want is the have the windows come down and then not be able to raise them!  I've had hysterical owners write me because their windows remained down and that it was the 'rainy season'.  

Best of luck,
