Land Rover Repair: thanks, steering damper, abs system

Just wanted to say, GREAT  answer, LR did not tell me this, I had tires rotated and balanced explained problem and they gave me no answer, thanks a million, I just bought a new damper, Dan McMurtry.

Hello Dan,

your welcome!  Don't panic too much about ABS light.  All LR's have this problem of an oversensitive ABS light.  On later models, the 'kinks' were worked out of the ABS system.  As for steering damper, I've had 3 dampers changed in my '95 Disco.  I think its the weight of the vehicle that is causing problems.  Everything is so "heavy duty" that the steering and suspension systems become the weakest link.  I've been able to save myself money by performing the installs and repairs myself:  damper was easy to change but dirty work.  If you are a DIY owner, talk to your LR parts guy.  They can be very helpful.

Best of luck and if I can be of any help...just ask!
