Lexus Repair: Maintence issues, nasty weather, oil spots
QuestionMy 1998 ES300 has 55,000 miles on it. The Dealer tells me that my valve covers are leaking (I do see small oil spots on the garage floor) and also the car is way over do for the timing belt and water pump to be replaced. The car runs fine and I plan to keep it another 5 years. Would you suggest that I spend the $1000 or so to get this work done?
Answerplease excuse my absence,my travels to Michigan encountered some nasty weather. in regards to your question, the timing belt, waterpump and related components should be addressed. keep in mind that if the timing belt happens to break it will not cause damage to motor. this motor is a non-interference motor. it will just create unwanted headaches with towing, getting the vehicle to a shop and etc. the valve cover gaskets seem to be seeping. in my opinion this is secondary to the timing belt all comes down to how much you can afford.a 98 with 55k is still in great shape, i'd keep it that way.