QuestionI need help changing brakes pads for lexus 300gs
AnswerIt's easy. Take a wheel off, Unbolt the bolt from the caliper that holds it down. Swivel it up without breaking the rubber brake line. Remove the pads. Keep the shims no the pads.
Push the pistons back with a good sized C-clamp. WATCH the fluid level in the brake fluid res, as you can easily knock fluid out.
Apply anti-squeal to the back of the pad, the anti-squeal plat,e the shim, and the piston. Put the brakes in. Flip the caliper down, bolt it in.
If you're changing rotors, When the caliper is up, get the rotors off. You may need a rubber mallet, or run a bolt through the tapped holes in the rotor to "push" it off.
When You've finished changing the pads (rotors) you need to change the brake fluid. Suck the old fluid out of the resivor with something like a turkey baster. Have a see-through jar of fresh brake fluid half-full, and a plastic tube the size of the bleeding nipple on the backside of the caliper. Crakc the caliper open with a wrench, and start pumping the brake pedal. The tube should be sumberged in the fresh fluid so that air can not be sucked into the system.
Alternate pumping slowly several times, and pressing & holding the pedal down for afew minutes. Keep tabs on the level of brake fluid in the resivoir DO NOT let air into the master cylinder. Keep the res topped off to the full range.
Wrench the bleeding nipple closed faily hand-tight & do the same proceedure for each caliper.
If you're looking for maximum braking performance, swap to DOT 4 brake fluid, use Brembo BLANK rotors (NOT drilled, or slotted rotors), and Hawk HPS brake pads. They maintain very high end street driveability, long life, but when warmed up they are a grippy, very consistant brake pad second to no other street/track pad. Great pads...
Lexus/Toyota dealer pads are generally Akebone PROact pads.
I would join a forum of IS owners like My.IS (Yes, that is a website if you type it), or