Lexus Repair: brakes, transmission leaks, lexus es300

I took my car to have oil and transmission leaks fixed and the repairman said I needed breaks all around. I consented and picked up the car only to find the brakes squealing horribly. It was a month before i took it back. He said that although he had resurfaced the rotors when he changed the pads that I needed new rotors on the back. About a month later I took it to someone else and they said they changed the pads and resurfaced the rotors. The suealing was minimal the first day or two and now its outrageous again. I'm guessing after $300 the first brakes and $170 the second I need to go to the dealer.  Also my ABS light has been on since I had the axle boots replaced 3 months prior to the 1st brake job. My engine light is on as well. Please offer me the best and cheapest advice on my 95' Lexus es300.  Thank You
Sincerely Cynthia Kemp

Hello Cynthia, This is a perfect example of shops that are not experienced with the Lexus line. The brakes are making noise because of the low quality of the pads. The light being on was caused when they did the axle boots. They  did not disconnect the wire for the ABS sensor and and pulled to hard on it when they removed the axle breaking the wires inside. When bringing your vehicle to a repair shop always ask if the person working on your car has had factory training. Then ask to see the certificates from Lexus. Thanks for your question, Zak