Lexus Repair: radiator, independent repair, fan belt
QuestionI drive a 1996 400LS with 92,000 miles on it and have had no breakdowns or repairs. Last week I had the oil changed and tires rotated and balanced. The mechanic said that the fan belt was starting to fray and needed to be replaced before long which I did yesterday (Tuesday, 8/31/04). I came straight home and did not use the car again until today. I drove about 10 miles with no problem but had several stops so did not take the interstate and did not go abouve 45mph. My final stop was for an hour then I got back in the car about one hour later to drive the 10 miles home. This time I took the interstate and set the cruise control at 75mph. Nothing unusual had happened when I exited and within 6 blocks smoke started coming out from under the hood and the "check" engine light came on. Luckily I was right by a car place because by the time I turned into the parking lot, the car was smoking so badly that I could not see where I was going. The came outside, raised the hood, lots of white smoke but no noise made by the car. A few minutes later, the mechanic came into the waiting room and told me that the radiator had burst.I've had the car since it was new and it has never overheated even a tiny bit. What could have happened? Could the fan belt have been replaced wrong and would it make this happen? They didn't, at that point, know how much damage there was or even if "it could be repaired" which game me quite a shock, I can tell you. How did this happen and what should I do now? Thank you so much,
Gail Quinn
AnswerHello Gail, It does not sound like you have been using the dealer for servicing correct? Was the outer belt and timing belt replaced at 60k miles? Have you been good about servicing your vehicle per Lexus recommendations? I would say if you have been servicing the vehicle like you should this is rare. I would suggest bringing your vehicle to the dealer for repair or a independent repair shop that has been factory trained by Lexus. You will save more money and have a better more reliable vehicle in the long run. Thanks for your question, Zak