Lexus Repair: Compatibility, unit radio, original factory

I have a 1996 ES300. The trunk CD Changer died and would like to replace it. I'd prefer to replace it with a newer model but am concerned with compatibility? Are there any newer models with compatible changers or after market changers that can be controlled by the head unit?

Dear Vic,

Your CD changer that has met it's demise wasn't an original factory changer, as that option wasn't available for your vehicle.  It was either a dealer installed (aftermarket) add-on or if you aren't the original owner, it was installed sometime after the original sale of the vehicle.

Although I am not an expert on aftermarket audio products, I'm sure there are some units out there that can take it's place.  These new units would operate much the same as yours used to.

I am not aware of any add-on CD changers that can be controlled through the original Lexus head unit (radio.)

A reputable audio seller/installer would be the place to go for any further recommendation on a replacement.

Hope that helps!
