Lincoln/Mercury Repair: relay in 2001 navigator, Air suspension compressor, compressor relay
Questionhow can i test relay on the air suspension on a 2001 Lincoln navigator
There is a test for the relay, but in my experience, its not worth the time. The problem is that the relay is a solid state(little computer) relay and if tested, may pass the test 10 out of 10 times....but as soon as a load(powering up the compressor) happens, it may die. I would recommend checking for power "at the compressor"(red wire) to see if it is being powered up by the relay. VERY IMPORTANT: With all door closed, MAKE SURE you do this test within 60 seconds of turning on the ignition. After this time, the system will time out and shut itself down.
BTW, keep in mind that if the relay is bad, most likely what has taken it out, is the compressor. When the bigger compressors like are on the Navigators start going bad, they draw allot of amps. More amps than the little solid state relay can handle. In other words, while replacing the relay may get you going again, if you don't replace the compressor at the same time, the replacement relay will die very soon. At $150-$200 each, you won't want to make that mistake. :) I would recommend going here for parts: