Lincoln/Mercury Repair: tire rotation.. and air ride systems..?, lincoln mark viii, swtich
Questionmy friend wants me to rotate the tires on her car normally i would have no problem but her car is a 95 Lincoln Mark VIII and there is a swtich that you have to use before you can jack the car up my problem is i have NO IDEA where the switch is.. i need to know b/c she needs them rotated immediately and i already offered to do it b/c i've been working on cars since i was 7. and i also need to know how to check for leaks on the air ride system...?if possible could u give me step by step instructions for both problems...?
Answerhello nicole
the switch for the comproser should be under the hood or in the trunk
the way i check the air system is a spray bottole and water soap in bottole .
give you credit for working on cars some times it can be a pain lol.
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