Lincoln/Mercury Repair: 1997 Mercury Sable BIG TROUBLE, mercury sable, pipe assembly

I have replaced the entire Y pipe assembly with the dual convertors twice on my car, on the advice of a dealership and DTC's. Now, 10,000 miles after the newest replacement, I am getting a DTC of PO430, which is again indicating the convertor. Can you give me any idea why the car keeps eating them? Or is it something else and I am getting screwed? I would love to know anything you can offer me about this FORD piece o'****, and I would gladly compensate you in any way! It would make my day t have some insight. I would like to talk with you on some other issues with this same vehicle as well, but this is the most recent and pressing problem.  

hello Rebecca
Sorry to here this . I know you right you are geting screwed . any time the converter is replaced the enjecters buld up carbon the carbon should have bean cleand with a cleaning serivice which costs 40 dollors and well worth to get the carbon out of the motor before you out the new converter on this way it will burn clean and not plug again . this time tell them to do the cleaning serivce so you wont have to go back. good luck to u hun and you have a pretty name my email adress is [email protected] if you want to ask me more email me pete