Lincoln/Mercury Repair: windshield wiper problem, windshield wiper, ford dealership
QuestionI have a 1994 Lincoln Continental that I bought 2nd hand. Here is my problem the wipers work when I turn them on but eventually just stop to get going again I have to physically touch the blades and they start up again. There is a clicking noise in the intermitten settings and some times they don't work at all. I was told that 9 out of 10 times its a ground wire problem. The Ford dealership wanted to replace the motor (why I don't know it works) and also the switch for the tune of 650.00 parts and labor. What should I look out for any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Answerjean, sorry i have taken so long to respond but my computer was down for a day or two. i have to agree with the ford dealership. just because your wiper motor is working dont mean its not going bad. it could be getting hot and shutting down because of an internal problem with the motor. so if i were you i would follow the dealerships advice although you can probally get it done alot cheaper somewhere other than the dealership.