Mazda Repair: mazda, trash talk, question bank
Questioni recently asked you a question about my 626 you responded by not answering my question at all and saying that i've asked this question before i have never used this site in my life and the first time i do i get a rude response i have to say, sounds like you're a real expert an expert on being a jerk worst advice ever from this joker here thanks for all your amazing help josh
Answeryou may have not asked the question yourself but it has been asked you can look in the already answered questions bank to find the answer your looking for. so as for being a jerk your clearly mislead cause i do my best to answer these questions and take my on time to do so. if you failed to look in the question bank then thats mre your problem then mine and you'd be the jerk. there isn't any point in answering questions hundreds of times over and making it hard for people that take the time to see if the question had already been answered. i have a very positive fed back of my knowledge from this site and your trash talk is not by any means needed or appriciated. you could have also done a follow up if you wheren't happy with the reply and i would of been more then happy to guild you in the right direction. you direction for you now is if you don't know how to fix something don't be so cheap take it to someone who's spent years in school and on the shop floor learning about it. not only do i help people on this site i also work for the armed forces so i live to help people i'm clearly not a jerk if i can manage to take the time that i hardly have to help other like yourself