Mazda Repair: rough idle, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow
QuestionQUESTION: I just recently purchased a used 1999 protege LX 1.6L! It had been sitting for a few months so I have flushed new gas with antifreeze in it, plus another tank with fuel injector cleaner. Both times I filled with high test gas. Since then my idle is still rough! I have check vacuum leaks, changed plugs and wires and MAF. What could still be wrong?
ANSWER: it could be your idle solenoid or it just may need to be ajusted that's something that should be done by a tect as there is some tools needed that most people don't have
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QUESTION: where is it located on the engine and is it a part that usually defaults? My engine surges and sputters a bit at idle, is this caused by the idle solenoid as well, or can it be caused by a bad fuel pump?
Answeryour mass air flow sensor could be dirty or the injectors dirty also, the solenoid is on the throttle body and to set idle speed you need a timing light and a tach gauge normally you can get a can of cleaner for the sensor cheap at a local parts store. there should also be a screw on the thotle that looks out of place by turning that in and out you can try a tune the idle by ear but i still advise you have a pro do it