Mazda Repair: 99 Miata Fuel Gauge, fuel gauge, tank removal

I have about 70000 km on the car. The fuel gauge reads about a quarter full and does not move up to full. Is this a faulty sender? Can I replace the sender without dropping the tank. Is this where the fuel pump is too? Is it advisable to replace the fuel pump at the same time? Or might this be a faulty gauge?

Only diagnostics will tell for sure.  Sending units and gauges seldom fail however, the fault would mainly lean toward the sender as it is electro-mechanical and corrosion and wear can play a role.  The pump, regulator and sending unit are on a shared assembly which is accessible through access panels under the rear package shelf.  Specialty tools are required to release the vapor lock fuel lines.  Removal of the tank is only required if heavy corrosion is present inside, tank removal is a major operation requiring the rear suspension and cross member to be removed.

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