Mazda Repair: 99 Miata Engine Replacement, 10th anniversary, vin number


First off, I wish I wasn't in Mass so that I could bring my car to you... I have a newly purchased 99 Miata 10th anniversary. It has 64k miles and a new knocking sound coming from the engine. A trusted mechanic listened to it and diagnosed it as a crankshaft problem within a few seconds. My question for you is, what is my best/cheapest approach to fix my new car? Is a rebuilt engine or used one a better bet, or should I have only the crankshaft on mine replaced? Also, is there a supplier or website you would recommend?

Thank you so much in advance for your help. At this point I am very confused and disappointed. I appreciate any and all help.


Send me your VIN number and I will research the engine issue.  Some (about 180, 1999 models) ended up with engines that had the #4 main journals not machined properly causing an issue similar to what you describe.  It was recalled and it MAY still be valid.  It is not likely a crankshaft issue rather the engine block.

We have some options otherwise.

[email protected]