Mazda Repair: speedo, gentle persuasion, clock positions

QUESTION: how do you remove the gauge cluster in a 2007 miata. also how do you remove the hood above the cluster?

ANSWER: To get the instrument cluster out you need to remove the lower cowl (pull out and disconnect the upper retaining clips then unhook it from the bottom.  To remove the meter hood pull upward on the meter hood and detach the four expansion clips located at the clock positions 9 o'clock, 11, 1 and 6.  It's easy to break a meter hood so patience is a must with firm yet gentle persuasion.  

Now the instrument cluster is another animal all together.  To disconnect it and replace it requires it to be configured before removal.  If it's not configured before you will get a system malfunction upon reassembly (only done with a Mazda MDS).  If you remove it and are replacing the same one you MUST disconnect the battery and drain all reserve power from the system if not you could run the risk that the system will not recognize the the cluster and a system malfunction may occur requiring a reprogram with a Mazda MDS.  (not cheap)

To physically remove it,  you have two screws underneath and one at 12 o'clock in the back.  Two connectors and two clips.  It must be rotated up and out from the bottom of the display to remove it.  There is a harness clip in the center rear of the cluster that must be rotated 90 degrees (CCR) to release the assembly once clear of the dash.

There you asked, I answered.  Good luck.

You keep popping up with questions, if I'm going to keep educating you on the same third generation Miata your going to have to contribute to the cause or risk getting cut off.  AllExperts does not provide this tech with any sort of income you know.

[email protected]

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: whats the difference how many ques i ask? if its not my question it will be somebody elses. do you think im asking to get a monetary gain? i just bought the car 3 months ago and little by little im making very subtle changes. your the expert so who better to ask. if a little contribution every now and then will make your cause happy give me a figure; im no cheapo.

That was meant in a jovial way.  I help dozens of Miatafiles everyday so your cause is no different, I only recognized you as a repeat questioner.  Just remember us from time to time when the buying starts, helps us afford the ability to stay on the help line.

[email protected]