Mazda Repair: 91 Miata Leans to one side, pivot bushings, upper control arm

My 91 Miata with 140k sits about 2" lower on the driver side vs. the
passenger side. I've taken it to 3 Mazda shops and no one can find the
problem. I've had all of the shocks replaced and all of the suspension parts &
underbody inspected for damage / alignment. I've even had the springs
swapped from one side to the other - to no effect! I am truly confounded &
wondering if there's anything I can do short of having the entire bottom end
of the car rebuilt. Thanks so much in advance!

Ride height is determined by the shocks and springs as an assembly.  If you installed new shocks and springs and the correct parts have been used and you still have a ride height issue then I would thoroughly inspect the control arms on each corner both upper and lower and the pivot points at the cross members and the cross members themselves.

Core components (ie, cross members, control arms) will not change in measurement unless an impact or trauma was sustained.  Pivot bushings can wear however, a  change in ride height would not be a result.  If an upper control arm is replaced it must be put into a neutral position prior to torquing so as to pre-load the bushings.

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