Mazda Repair: clutch master cylinder and slave repair, clutch master cylinder, flare wrench
Questionhow do you check and replace both cylinders and how to bleed. how to drain them and replace fluid 1991 mazda miata
AnswerIf you have little to no clutch pedal and are unable to shift engine running then chances are your hydraulics have failed. I recommend replacing both assemblies with new ones at the same time. Use Mazda if possible otherwise Beck Arnley has acceptable new ones.
The slave is transmission mounted passenger side, two 12mm head bolts hold it in place, be sure to use a 10mm flare wrench to loosen the line connection there first. The master is located driver's side firewall two 12mm head nuts hold in on place, same thing loosen the 10mm line nut with flare wrench first.
Once the lines are open gravity will pull all the fluid out. Use a DOT 3 or 4 synthetic brake fluid to bleed it all out when the new parts are installed and the lines are tight. hand tighten the lines before securing the mounting fasteners.
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