QuestionI own an '02 Mazda Protege, today I was driving and noticed some hesitation when I go to accelerate. I didn't think anything of it because it only happened once, well later that day it happened again. I asked my dad what it could be and he said it might be the gas, or the air filter, or something of that sort. I was due for an oil change so I replaced the oil, oil filter along with my air filter, and put some fuel injection cleaner in just in case. I noticed a clicking noise when I push the gas. It's not as if the engine is going out, because I've already had that replaced once. It sounds like a bolt is lose, but I don't know what it could be. Another thing is, I kept smelling something like maple syrup and I could see that there was a small leak, a few months ago my car overheated. Turned out one of the hoses for my radiator had a hole in it and just completely spewed everywhere. I'm still smelling the antifreeze, could there be a leak somewhere else? There isn't anything visible that we can see. Sorry this is so long. Anything would help though, thanks in advance!
Answerthe 4 main causes of engine hasitation
fouled spark plugs
faulty fuel injection system
clogged fuel filter
incorrect ingition timing
are an air leak
antifreeze has a sweet smell to it, you mentioned over heating you could be burning antifreeze you can normal tell this by a white smoke coming from the tail pipe also you had the engine replaced make sure the engie mounts are in good contion and tight that could be the wierd noise your hearing
the spark plugs and air filter sould be changed every 2 year or so and the fuel system also checked
the fuel filter should be changed every 4 years or so
also if the idle speed hasn't been checked have it ceck that's something that should be checked every 2 years also