Mazda Repair: 2002 Mazda 626 - fuel pump install, mazda 626, knowledge tools


Would you be so kind as to tell me if replacing the fuel pump in a Mazda 626 requires any special knowledge/tools or expertise and where to find detailed instructions as to the "how"?

My daughter bought a used 2002 626 and the pump went and she cannot pay the local guy $650 to replace -

Thank you
James Vanderheof

you can find all the repair info you need if you purchase a repair manual for most parts stores canadian tire has a large selection

as for tools you might need a sslide hammer or a brass punch the repair manual will tell you the tools. i'm not to sure about you car but you may have to remove the tank some cars you can replace the pupm by removing the back seat make sure you release the fuel pressure and disconnect the battery