Mazda Repair: 2003 Miata Timing Belt, interference engine, warrenty
QuestionQUESTION: Trying to find resources to set timing on vehicle after timing belt jumped. (Also can't see why belt jumped since car has only 46K miles and belt teeth all look fine.)
ANSWER: i don't suggest you tackle something of that nature on your own if the timing belt jumped you should have the heads checked for any damage such as bent valves and so forth. i would just reset the timing and hope things work your engine could be out of position an cause further bamage by simple reseting the belt
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It is a non-interference engine.
Answerk well you can purchase a repair manual for you make and model to get the info you need. there rather cheap and have alot of info for almost every job you can think of. i would also check your warrenty seeing as you km reading is low to see if the repair is covered