Mazda Repair: Sputtering/Dying 1993 Mazda Protege, everyday occurrence, mazda protege
QuestionHi, I have a 1993 mazda protege, and ever since the weather has gotten colder my car has started to progressively start dying on me. I'll start it up, drive around, and then it will randomly start sputtering and die, and the 'check oil' light and the 'charge' light will light up. Then sometimes I'll be able to start the car back up, or sometimes I have to wait 5 minutes and then start it up, and it runs fine afterwards. Since this has started happening, I've gotten an oil change, a new battery, and replaced the gas filter, however still my car continues to die, and the lights still go on. This is now turning into an everyday occurrence.. Do you have any suggestions at what might be the problem?
Answeri noticed you commented on changing the batter and having the oil changed and the fuel filter it maybe possible that your alternator in starting to fail and not giving the proper charge the car needs other then that i don't see way it would just die on you try having the alternator and the risiter tested and hopefully that solves the problem. a simple load test should tell you